Friday, March 19, 2010

What is Promise Language?

It is a public specification for contracts (promises) between individuals. Promise Language (PL) provides a framework that can be easily read by a computer.  That creates an accountability system which pushes corruption and corrupt currencies out of competition.

Who is making the promise?
Who is the recipient of the promise?
What value is to be conveyed?
Was it conveyed?

A computer system tracking the above promises becomes money. Any value can be conveyed so money becomes obsolete and meaningless. All forms of payment become wealth that is transferred through the conscious action of individuals who wish to transact. Money supply becomes moot. Money supply is only limited by the individuals' desire to transact. If nothing of value is available to one or more of the individuals, time or labor is the value. It is a barter system that works to barter anything (including USD) but will tend towards a stable, commonly accepted form of value such as gold or silver. However, if gold or silver were to be hoarded by large-monied interests, the population can simply choose another form of value such as copper or diamonds or anything else imaginable. What makes for a good, commonly accepted form of value? Something finite and discrete in nature such as a single diamond or a known quantity of gold. For example, the Federal Reserve could tie its currency to ONLY the gold in Fort Knox. That decision is up to the bankers at each central bank. The paper/digits of a central bank could be tied to the rice output on a yearly basis (currency fluctuations would arise from varying output).
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